
A quasi-physical glitch fitting a blip glitch

The excess noise in gravitational-wave data can be categorized into different classes based on the noise morphology. Some excess noise is very short and well-localised in time, e.g. so-called blips, while other noise sometimes lasts minutes, for example, light scattering noise.

In this project, I and collaborators made a quasi-physical model for three classes of noise: blips, tomte and koi fish. The model has five parameters: amplitude, time, phase, frequency and bandwidth. Using JAX, we fit these five parameters to the gravitational-wave data which allows us to precisely model the excess noise. Once the excess noise is modelled, it can be removed from the data thus allowing for more accurate estimation of astrophysical source parameters.

For more, read our article published in PRD: link or free-access version on ArXiv: link.

Ronaldas Macas
Data Scientist @ Nasdaq

Applying my experience in gravitational-wave astronomy and machine learning to data science problems.
